Our Wanderland.
Feeder: 2nd Jan, 2005. Maine Ideas and all comments for New Age Noah's Ark (The Chaalal's Tanker) featured here: http://www.sctraveler.afreepress.com/articles/index.cfm?artOID=261869&cp=346725
I'm so pleased, one is because they addressed me as a student (rasa muda pulak!), second, the tanker's finally built!
Peekers and Readers since 1st June, 2004: 18,000+. Fade! Smell my smokes :P
Number of Entries: 47 (average of 3 postings per week)
Entries Main Flavours: Environment Issues, Local Society, Relationships between Religion and Science, Local Art, Kelantan state, Lyrics.
Why Maine-Ideas?
Why do I blog?
So, I'll share just the main purpose why I blog; perhaps my future descendants would get a chance to know me and their roots better before I become an old heck who may be too tired to talk too much or too busy travelling or, maybe, they are the ones who are only too busy trying to get to know only their friends.
This also serves as a vehicle for me to look for more females who share quite the same wavelength. I'm glad that I found so much more than that. I learnt too that I shouldn't specify the gender in order to learn limitlessly.
It's interesting to get to be so close to people whom we don't know what their age, race, skin colour, looks etc. Yet, we get to feel some of them closer than those we see almost everyday. Utter aura!
Changing the Subheader: I realised that 'From My Gap for Anyone's Gaps', sounds rather egoistic and pompous, eih? But I just never had the time to think of something friendlier.
I hope 'Our Differences and Similarities Define Us' is enough to inform that readers are free to drop their viewpoints which may be long winded, may look like there's a blog in a blog, may just be four words, or completely contrary to mine.
No one will get lashed at for that here, friendly sarcasm is normal during any 'teh-tarik' sessions right?. We all have right or wrong thoughts when we wander. If I think people should only hear me out, I won't put up that comment box. But, if your comments is not nice to be read by other readers, the most I'll do is just delete it. So far, I only had to do it once.
My future sub-blogs.
Guano Oghe Kelate is something I promised people like 'Yang Penawan' and 'Ngomongan' that it'll be up this month. Well, I'm still trying to look for the most suitable blog template at the moment. The blog will be about my likes and dislikes about my hometown, Kelantan.
"An 'akak' a day, keeps the 'bomoh' away".
by Yang Penawan
'Akak' is a kind of sweet Kelantanese desert. (Mmkay, I'm getting carried away)
Heaven is Within My Heart will be my repository for all my entries regarding relationships between religion and science.
"To teach is to learn twice", a proverb says.
Reflecting on a few Humble Experiences:
1. New Age Noah's Ark (Entry date: August 26th)
I learnt that Dr Omar Chaalal himself knew about my article. This entry received comments and emails from Professors and environmental freelance writer all over the world. Now, six months later I am still receiving emails asking if my entry can be linked to a certain website.
2. Mujo Batok di Tangga (Entry date: November 05, 2004)
I am so happy that through Buaya69 I knew about Pok Ku through this. I am thankful to YamYam2u too for what she shared to make the article perfect. Pok Ku, I just found out you're 60, calling you 'uncle' is improper :) sorry sir!
3. Tiara that Fits for the Puteri (Entry date: September 02, 2004)
I am still getting emails for this too. But the biggest gift I get for writing this is getting Amir Muhammad's (The Edge's Mind Your Own Biz writer) email. Well, he didn't write as a fan, but to tell me that I judged him wrongly and to ask me to go watch the movies he directed.
The Flower Buds.
Amongst the commentators I 'met' in the blogosphere I wander into, it's fun to see that some of them decided to join the bandwagon. Those whom I saw from the start are: Fakeplasticdreams, Poncho, Flower Girl, KH.b. Let's keep it going!
Beyond the Cables and Waves.
Zainframe, Frymysquid, KH.b and Alphademon are personal friends. Beruk Boy and wife, Fakey and wife are the others I had the pleasure of meeting outside this dimension. Over time, I'm sure I'll get to face others.
The Mysterious Commentators.
They are Dr. Krishnan, Melati Vet Services and MWT. Whoever you are, you made mine and all my readers' day, I'M YOUR FAN!
Dear friends,
Deevali has always been a time for sharing, forgiving and loving. Like the raya celebrations in Islam, deevali never fails to bring out the best of Krishnan Velappan s/o Murugan Velappan. My fondest memories of deevali was that of eating nasty muruku petlets that auntie Devi used to cook and drinking bottled guiness at the muhibbah coffee shop down the street with Murthi and Logan.
These two south indian men were good childhood friends of mine from the neighbouring Goodman estates in Setiawan and had moved to Brickfields about 10 years ago. They were tempted by the bright lights of KL and the navel revealing sarees of the bangsar tangichis. Like me, they too developed a fine taste for KL stout and bangsar tangichis. But on deevali evenings, Murthi and Logan would always join me for a drink at the pub where we would drink guiness and try to fondle the barmaids when we were drunk. We would then proceed to flirt with attractive lady passerbys in short skirts walking outside. Sometimes I would get lucky and spend deevali night making love to a stranger instead of cross breeding animals at the clinic. Drinking in Bangsar does that to you. That is all I wish to share. Thank you. Have a good raya.
dr. krishnan
Melati Vet Services
[click here to view Dr. Krishnan's collection of comments]
[click here to view MWT's blog in my blog]
Thank you PPS administrators!
Aizuddin, if you read this, I don't know how many of those in PPS side panel who helps to maintain PPS. I used to blog to only one person before I knew about that place, yeaahhh pathetic yet therapeutic! Life is surely more colourful now, campaigning from home without having to sip teh-tarik at the mamak too often. Thank you so much to all your noble efforts.
I wonder when you guys will be celebrated in return. Any monetory contributions needed to maintain the server, take my words, I will surely contribute.
For the rest of you readers and the 'people I read', my bow and applause to you!
CHEERS and Happy New Year!