Since the birth of telecommunications technology here in Malaysia, especially after their existence have been stabilised through complete merger exercise, opportunists who are software developers, business visioners themselves have been looking for the best money making scheme by just riding on this telco wave. VOIP is one of them, sales of ringing tones and images etc.
Now obviously we can't stop advancements from, majority of the time, benefitting us.
AF and its kind ride well on media and telco advancement. How do we make them coexist? I realised that the answer is everywhere in PPS itself.
Factors that contribute to why we should make AF coexist:
1. See
Asia Business Consulting posting on Family Values and Electronic Stuff. Or go straight to this article
"Keep out: TV, DVD, Computers rule"It simply explains how the society is experiencing communications breakdown (at home) due to our craze in embracing media and electronic technologies.
2. See
'Pak Lah using Akademi Fantasia to distract rakyat' article.
It simply explains how Pak Lah is fully responsible for not being able to stop 'pointless entertainment' and fully exercise his promise to implement Islam Hadhari fundamentals.
3. See Ngomongan's opinion on
'Faktor Kemunduran Umat Islam'. He explains that there are many other factors involved if one needs to address how the Muslims are backwards by being so inclined with SMS tied-in reality tv shows.
Point no 1.
It's a foreign article, let's be honest, it's happening here. Kid's and teenagers can't share much with their parents about Kill Bill, Gran Turismo, House music, how to use MMS -- for 6 days in a week, they eat out, watch big screen tv at mamak.
It's not cool for them to read newspapers' first four pages on general issues, let alone to speak to their parents what they think of the Menteri's or understsand dad's Semi Value's jokes or watch the news on TV in full, 5 days a week daddy and mummy will eat nasi bungkus but at home yet still watch tv (news, drama, straight forward movies).
Point no 2.
"Pak Lah! Stop this pointless entertainment!"
Hmmm... I just came back from lunch at Billion in obscure Bangi where they held a 'Pertandingan Nasyid' there. To my surprise, the judgeing format is the same as AF, M'sian Idol, etc! They had three judges there, over 20 nasyid teams from secondary schools and Uni's took part. The audience are made up of all Muslims male and female (takkan Cina tengok nasyid kot). The judges made comments on voice pitching, image, background music format, harmonising etc. I'm delighted, they have learnt how to be critical in terms of nasyid delivery format/style and how to make nasyid more popular not just among the listeners but also to those who want to build a career out of it. Raihan may be the first to identify the gap in the entertainment industry and pioneered it well.
Others may have learnt that being a professional entertainer is not a job just for stupid and dreamy people. Singing lesson is not as fun as going to the karaoke. We now know what is 'falsetto', 'rev', 'tahan di perut bukan di dada!', 'andalusia', semangat setiakawan, erti perjuangan dalam menimba ilmu.. blaa! blaa! Are these things pointless?? In many company's meetings nowadays, many people are getting more and more verbal, opinionated, critical, their minds has somehow been sharpened, wonder what has infected them? What has strenghtened their courage?
Point 3.
There are many other factors that makes 'Melayu Mundur'. I will contribute one factor, the inability to solve the conflicts within themselves. Someone identified the problem of Melayu Mundur and keep on concentrating on how to slander the country's leader and ask for this and that programmes to stop instead of gathering ppl to find a real solution.
It looks like we should really blame the world leader for making the internet technology exist coz now pornography is everywhere for free especially in Muslims countries. Yeah! It's the safest thing to do, since now you can even get jailed for humping the goat.
Oh, bloody fool Alexandar Graham Bell! If not because of you, SMS would have never existed, we would have saved a million pound!

In article above, 'Melayu Mundur' in UiTM Sabah made money out of banking on AF wave.
Excuse me! It has started to coexist even while I'm writing this article!
AF tv programme and those with similar type have lain a common subject for children and their parents to talk about, even quite dearly. So other than festive season, prayers or birthdays, this season (3 months in a year) is also helping to foster domestic communications. This for muslims, benefits the 'silaturrahim' (relationship among families, relatives and neighbours).
The collection of RM7.5million is a result of booming telco business in our country, the money is obtained out of conventional ways.
In Islam, we are taught to coexist (it means don't live to hate or be hated). My point is, there's a reason we are born in this age annnddd in this multiracial country. Ponder that instead of shouting to the empty cyberspace to stop everything. Pak Lah only gives a damn if we are lending a helping hand or offering sound opinions. If we can't handle ourselves being born in this environment, well, we can opt to move to Iraq, Arab where there's not bad influences which shakens our unstable 'iman'. Or if we can't afford to live far away, just move to Kelantan, just don't subscribe Astro, I know we won't watch AF but MTV and V channel also show soft porn.
My suggestions:
1. Monies. Come up with FREE AF fan club (provide benefits such as discounts on AF CD's as a way to give back). The promise to contribute RM200K to charity, get these fan-atics to join their idols to get hands on charity experience. Don't make it in the charity home, have it in a public place where they get more entertained. Again it will attract people, make RM200K double up, spectators who want to witness must donate any amount, but, fully donate the amount. So there's an 'aktivity yang bermanfaat'. RM200K is too little, maybe now Ministry and Finance can make a dialogue with the Muftis to set a balanced and fair amount and make more creative charity events with AF starlets a year long affair, this will inturn sustain the popularity of the ever growing number of AF starlets year after year.
Yes, I remember, in Islam 'berniaga' and 'berternak' are encouraged and when we obtain profits we are reminded to share it in order to stimulate the economy and it also serves the business owner a means to coexist with ppl of different walks of life. In this context, maybe Binariang is not a Muslim proprietorship business?! Securities Commission may get a new clause? Just like when we stop short selling in the arena of stockbroking?
2. AF website. Use it to share charity activities with the rest. Also use it as a portal for kids who want to know more about getting involved in entertainment business, how and where to attend singing lesson, provide free enrichment based articles regarding art, broadcasting, understanding show biz etc.
Publicise Rakan Muda updates through AF website so that finally being a part of Rakan Muda is cool since the target market is towards youngsters who are continuously looking for fun things to do, they don't want to do it with Azalina, but they would go for sports events with AF starlets, would they?!
3. If there are free AF concerts, broadcast it in AF site and inform that it is a way to give back to the society! Provide other knowledge enrichment type articles by getting the AF starlets to post it up.
4. Oh yes! The ratio between singers, song writers, lyricists will definitely become a serious subject even now, why don't Binariang or Astro build a school for entertainers. After all, intellectual property business is one of the most lucrative source of passive income, right Siti Nurhaliza? Spend just one month in the studio and you make how much out of each CD's and casettes and concerts?
5. Enable ppl to send music notes online, movie script that can fit all AF starlets as the cast, reward them well.
Over time, coexistence plans can solidify through getting ideas from the members of the fan club itself.
Over time, AF with more non Malay contestants will hopefully become a magnet to more non Malays and it will probably have to sit on its own server. What I would like to see is even if soon, AF has to be abolished due to oversupply of artists, the fans are still in unison because of other feeders that keep their minds busy beneficially.
It's obvious the rest of M'sia needs whatever the media and telco tech have to offer, of course they need us too. Poor S'pore, no such tv programme.
So can we let Pak Lah continue handling his high end tasks? My mother works with the ministry, I know his fight is more than 'membenteras rasuah' those who bitch about you do not know the inside story, the pains you have to go through to correct mistakes by previous leader of many years.
We can look after ourselves, we'll live our lives to its fullest, we can learn how to look after the needy too and we have a little more things to talk to our parents about (AF! for a start is not bad). Let's not take away people's laughter, roaring support, growing affections and spirit of sportsmanship.
I'm getting worried if I wake up late tomorrow, but I will feed more if things comes up tomorrow morning and the day after and the day after.... yaawwnnn! Yaawwnnn!!!