Thursday, August 18, 2005

Mainey MD.

There’s a new TV programme on AXN called House. Love love love the way they constructed the content. Unlike ER, where they focus more on doctors’ in action and their lives apart from work, House gives a wider insights of each disease they cover in each episode. The editing includes taking the viewer to zoom into the anatomy and diagnose the disease together; everything is explained by illustration. It’s pretty much like CSI but for medical situation.

The actions revolve around an eccentric doctor who doesn’t like to see the patients. Instead, he diagnoses them through the reports submitted by all his housemen. They in turn will only conduct further examinations according to his advice.

Last episode excerpt:

Doctor and best buddy at the golf course.
Golfer: Do you think I’m ill? I’m starting to get all orange.
(his hands, face, fingers are all orange in colour)
What’s wrong with me? Can’t be anything that bad right?
Doctor: *looked at him from top to toe.
I think your wife is having an affair.
Golfer: *Speechless and didn’t try to dispute that statement. Sat quietly
in the locker room staring at his orange fingers.
Doctor: Of course, it’s definitely too much carrot or orange in your diet.
Just cut it down. I’ll put you in my schedule at noon tomorrow.
Golfer: *Took a long breath.
Doctor: It doesn’t mean your wife is not having an affair. You’re so orange
and yet she doesn't notice at all? Or is it that she completely just doesn't notice you?
Three years ago, a company’s recruitment exercise brought me to make friends with a nocturnal man of who spends only a mere 2 to 3 hours a day on his sleep. He’s a jovial, loud, lovable, pudgy man. And being generous, friends love to ask him out for drinks, then there’s also numerous business appointments which were mostly done outdoors.

After about one year of the same daily schedule, he shrunk tremendously, not to the point where he became skinny though, let’s say he had lost all his water and even his round stomach became half the size.

Everyone thinks he’s in love and that he had probably went on a strict diet. But I noticed, he still doesn’t have any problems consuming the same menu at the ‘mamak’ and two packs of ciggy a day.

I asked him how he suddenly got into such a good shape. He paused a long time and said, he didn’t do anything, but most diabetics would lose a tremendous amount of weight when the glucose level comes to an alarming stage. And it is in his family history!

It is in my family’s history too. When I knew this I quickly looked at his feet, unfortunately he wears proper shoes everytime he is with us. Eventhough it’s just casual meeting, he’d wear either his leather shoes or the Timberland sneakers.

See, diabetics usually bruise either internally (internal organs deterioration) or externally. Through observations I noticed a pattern, that if they bruise externally (due to poor circulation and cell repair), it is always worst around the feet area. There are usually signs of surface puncture of the size of 20 cents coin apart from boils erupting on other parts of the body every now and then. Well that provides me an instinctive CSI capability to tell if someone is diabetic.

Just soon after, we joined their company’s outdoor game and his shoe was torn. I was not surprised to see the bruises he had on his feet.

I wasn’t surprised that he said he never checked with any doctors on his health situation before, he’s scared of the syringe, dead scared!

Again, God is great, a few days after, his best friend who’s a doctor was with us and we both managed to coax him to go through the blood test using no syringe at all.

Glucose level of slightly above 7 is a sign of mild diabetes. His was 19! He looked at me with two expressions, relieved and frustrated. He had probably suffered from it a good two years ago or so. Every diabetes positive patients are advised to go for further health check up.

Over time, with regular visits to the reflexologist, he managed to maintain his glucose level at 7 and thought further check up is no longer necessary. About 4 months later, he passed away due to sudden heart attack, apparently there were 3 blockage in his artery.

In school, we are only provided with anti rubella jab, anti tetanus jab and tooth decay checks, but no glucose level checks. They should start this already.

So, hope you people will take more precautions. Brisk walk if you’re too lazy to work out at least once a week and make sure it’s more than ½ an hour! Spend some money once or twice a year on blood tests, it’s only RM90.

Note to self: Must go for pap smear test within the next two months.

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