If Tomorrow Comes.
It's been a week full of spirit of 'sportswomanship' around me. Yeaah, this goes out to especially my own gender. Our species has long been the kind (largely) that builds our time around our man's (this is not me k, surely not) and nothing else matters... which is why I only have very few good girlfriends and more guy friends, haven't us all? Our gender is the kind who can hardly feel comfortable just doing things among our own species other than just having a night out clubbing.
I miss my childhood girlfriends very much, we were all cheerleaders towards one another.... but went our separate ways cum secondary school time.
After just a few indoor practices, I went for my first outdoor rock climbing experience with Lydia and the guys. The first climb was bloody tough. I asked (begged to my last saliva) to be brought down twice as my feet had started to tremble like hell.
Me: I'm going down nooooow.
Lydia: No!
Me: I'm tiiiiired, heeeeelppp!
Lydia: Just hang there, I got you. When you're ok, continue.
She just stood there with her neck strained and squinted eyes under the scorching sun.
Me: (Got up two more steps and got stuck again). I'm coming down noooow.
Lydia: No! Finish it, I'm not letting you down. Just a liiiiitle bit more!
I miss my childhood girlfriends very much, we were all cheerleaders towards one another.... but went our separate ways cum secondary school time.

Me: I'm going down nooooow.
Lydia: No!
Me: I'm tiiiiired, heeeeelppp!
Lydia: Just hang there, I got you. When you're ok, continue.
She just stood there with her neck strained and squinted eyes under the scorching sun.
Me: (Got up two more steps and got stuck again). I'm coming down noooow.
Lydia: No! Finish it, I'm not letting you down. Just a liiiiitle bit more!
Me: Dang! Ini kes penderaan.
Francis (trainer): Eh! Remember to breathe! Loosen up, don't glue yourself against the rock, there's no way you can move yourself.... like vertical turtle only! Remember Spiderman? Only his fingers and legs stick to the wall, not the body.
Me: Baaaaaaskit!!! Vertical turtle????? Baaaskit! Baskit! What's his point? (*looking back at my ass)
Francis (trainer): Eh! Remember to breathe! Loosen up, don't glue yourself against the rock, there's no way you can move yourself.... like vertical turtle only! Remember Spiderman? Only his fingers and legs stick to the wall, not the body.
Me: Baaaaaaskit!!! Vertical turtle????? Baaaskit! Baskit! What's his point? (*looking back at my ass)
I tell yah, this thing is so addictive! You'll have the tendency to climb everything!
Met a friend's girlfriend at a nearby karaoke place who sings so beautifully and effortlessly especially on high notes. But she chose to sing as a backup for the rest instead or waited for cues to sing her part and cheered anyway towards others who sounded as if they're choked out of wearing underwears two sizes smaller to get the best falsetto. That is rare (her I mean, not the underwear).
Met two black girls and one Pan Asian dancing towards house music as if they own the whole club. They danced unlike many other vain ones who's eyes get all busy like a radar checking out if any blokes are eyeing on them, it's really just to let their hair down. I let my spastic-self slipped into that bunch of cool dancers anyways, and we all ended up trying everyone's steps and exchanged smiles.
A few white blokes intertwined here and there, no attempt to dirty dance or get touchy at all nor asked for numbers or names. Everyone ended up saying 'thank you' to each other before we left the dance floor. That is so rare.
FG, this is for you although it is nothing much. Thanks for filling me in about PST.
Here're two of his 'falsampahs'.

Here're two of his 'falsampahs'.
"Kaya itu bukan sahaja kerana wang... boleh jadi kaya hutang, kaya anak, kaya musuh atau kaya perasaan"
"Bercinta biar seribu, berkawan biar satu... kerana cinta boleh hancur, kawan sampai mati"
Stellar dugged out a one year old email just to expand memories about Lat cartoons. Thank you!
This one has got nothing to do with spirit of 'sportwomanship'. I just stumbled upon a two feet high all pewter trophy while collecting some stuff for my company. It's of a golfer putting on top of a globe. It didn't impress me much until I saw the caption for the trophy that reads.....

the saleswoman wrote a bill worth RM2,800 for it to someone. Doesn't matter how much it costs, what a lucky father that man is. What lucky children he's got too.
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