The 'Melayu' in Ponchoman.
'A Long Limerick' will be posted by Ponchoman on Friday the 13th at noon.
'Biodata: Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar AlBukhari' will be posted on Mainetalities at the same time.

I was delighted to receive this list:
Talking about the ori GG,
Rejabhad (Tan Tin Tun, prebet dabus)
Nan (AAT, Din Teksi)
Don (Auk-Auk the orang utan - was that him?)
Imuda (Yoshimura Hait!)
Long Jaafar (English 122, I like...)
Jaafar Taib
Reggie Lee
Zunar (Ofis Corner)
Minahleter the writer (Who I suspect is a male)
The keras tangan series
Mekar di GG column
Lipat - lepat (?) at the last page
And my all time favourite:
Before, he started the aku budak minang and acar series, I remember these:
Siri bercakap dengan bapak jin (remember the jin called 'cikun'?)
SJ - Salah Jolok
It was a satire of then first dynasty like malay drama PJ....but about a guy who silap jolok the squatter folks to leave and was caught by the BPR.
and or course Atuk. I remember till today the classic atuk phrase bila dia marah " Laaaa Isla Bonita budak nie...."
Sapa cakap I baca comik mat salleh aje hah?
Oh before I forget:
Rejabhad - Pewira Mat Gila
Rasyid Asmawi - From Taiping with Love (how can I forget him!)
Aiyaaaa....very the nostalgic....It's all coming back to me now.
p.s - ingat tak kalau time raya dulu GG would have a bumper issue called 'Edisi Solid Molid?"
Yeah the above was sent to me by Poncho. Ok ok pakcik Poncho, aku tabik spring sama lu. Aku baru terperasan betapa lemahnya daya ingatan aku ni. *Garu kepala.. mana nak carik 'Din Teksi' ni?
Tiba-tiba aku rasa happy mengenangkan zaman sekolah dulu dan semua cerita-cerita komik yang membina 'sense of humour' aku hari ni.
Dari karya 'Kerastangan'lah aku dengan cousin-mousin aku sebok buat helikopter dengan biji getah dengan tali getah ngan batang ais krim. Senapang buloh pun kitaorang try jugak, tapi tak jadik buat orang lebam, tangan tak kuat kot. Kitaorang belajar naik upih pinang pun dari karya tu jugak bukan dari kartun Lat. Tapi Creative Enterprise tak cetak koleksi tu..... :(
'Biodata: Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar AlBukhari' will be posted on Mainetalities at the same time.

I was delighted to receive this list:
Talking about the ori GG,
Rejabhad (Tan Tin Tun, prebet dabus)
Nan (AAT, Din Teksi)
Don (Auk-Auk the orang utan - was that him?)
Imuda (Yoshimura Hait!)
Long Jaafar (English 122, I like...)
Jaafar Taib
Reggie Lee
Zunar (Ofis Corner)
Minahleter the writer (Who I suspect is a male)
The keras tangan series
Mekar di GG column
Lipat - lepat (?) at the last page
And my all time favourite:
Before, he started the aku budak minang and acar series, I remember these:
Siri bercakap dengan bapak jin (remember the jin called 'cikun'?)
SJ - Salah Jolok
It was a satire of then first dynasty like malay drama PJ....but about a guy who silap jolok the squatter folks to leave and was caught by the BPR.
and or course Atuk. I remember till today the classic atuk phrase bila dia marah " Laaaa Isla Bonita budak nie...."
Sapa cakap I baca comik mat salleh aje hah?
Oh before I forget:
Rejabhad - Pewira Mat Gila
Rasyid Asmawi - From Taiping with Love (how can I forget him!)
Aiyaaaa....very the nostalgic....It's all coming back to me now.
p.s - ingat tak kalau time raya dulu GG would have a bumper issue called 'Edisi Solid Molid?"
Yeah the above was sent to me by Poncho. Ok ok pakcik Poncho, aku tabik spring sama lu. Aku baru terperasan betapa lemahnya daya ingatan aku ni. *Garu kepala.. mana nak carik 'Din Teksi' ni?
Tiba-tiba aku rasa happy mengenangkan zaman sekolah dulu dan semua cerita-cerita komik yang membina 'sense of humour' aku hari ni.
Dari karya 'Kerastangan'lah aku dengan cousin-mousin aku sebok buat helikopter dengan biji getah dengan tali getah ngan batang ais krim. Senapang buloh pun kitaorang try jugak, tapi tak jadik buat orang lebam, tangan tak kuat kot. Kitaorang belajar naik upih pinang pun dari karya tu jugak bukan dari kartun Lat. Tapi Creative Enterprise tak cetak koleksi tu..... :(
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