Penang's Supergran.
Fakey, glad that you're outta hospital in one piece. My message to you is, take it easy will ya. And to answer the comment you left in Poncho's entry, I decided to tell you the whole story here okay.
Miss your scenery photos and insightful reflections. Come back!
Oh yeah! This is also because things has turned the other way round. My blog partner (the Persistent Poncho) has been pestering me to post something before anyone thinks he has fully conquered this site. Heck, I don't mind that at all! :)
For those who'd like to learn bout gay sex revelation, go to GaybookWorm in my link.
It's not like we were still hungry before we made our move back to KL.
Them bosses had two meals each (namely: Cantonese Fried Kuey Teow, Wantan Mee, Nasi Lemak, Hokkien Mee) and two black coffees each for breakfast at 10am.
I just had steamed bread (you know, them thick white bread heavily smothered with butter and kaya which becomes gooey after being steamed on top of boiling water) and a bowl of delishhhh Penang Asam Laksa.
We were supposed to leave at 3pm but them bosses decided that they should spend some time by the beach at Batu Feringhi. We were having coconut water while discussing if we should bring back those cheap prawns sold by the road side when boss 1 said "Wuiiiihh, kalau dapat makan nasik dengan ikan kembung sambal okay jugak." Boss 2 said "Hah? Now? What so good about 'ikan sambal'? Weirdla you."
The coconut drink stall owner told us to visit the shop right after the mosque down the road.
To our surprise, the dishes is still aplenty at 3ish. There's sambal tempoyak, sambal tumis ikan bilis with petai, and yes the ikan kembung sambal tumis was available.
Me and boss 2 had to go to the toilet first. We had to pass its kitchen to get there. To my surprise, there's so many helpers - 10 of them perhaps.
Jovial shouts, colourful cut vegies, mixed aromas of curries and soups... I felt like a tourist.
While waiting for boss 2 to take a leak, I was startled by a voice "Moh le dok sini buaik apa duk tengah panaih tu?" And another voice "Makcik tu ajak duduk tapi baek baek sikit dia dah tua, dia dah tak betui daahh!"
"Hang, pangge mak hang tak betui haaaah!" All of them were laughing .
While I took my time to focus my camera at the old makcik, one of the cooks said "Umur dia dah 87 tahun, dia ada 17 orang anak."
..... that statement humbled me as I saw her diligently skinning big baskets of onions.

I said to her, "Fuiiyooo! Powernya makcik!" which rather cracked them all up and she slowly said, "Haah tau pun hangpa!".
"Kami semua ni anak ngan menantu dia laa", said one of the cooks.

- which makes this simple plate of ulam Berimi and sambal tumis tenggiri at a shop that belongs to Makcik Mariam Bee's family tastes so good.
We drove back tight stomached.. and smiling.
Miss your scenery photos and insightful reflections. Come back!
Oh yeah! This is also because things has turned the other way round. My blog partner (the Persistent Poncho) has been pestering me to post something before anyone thinks he has fully conquered this site. Heck, I don't mind that at all! :)
For those who'd like to learn bout gay sex revelation, go to GaybookWorm in my link.
It's not like we were still hungry before we made our move back to KL.
Them bosses had two meals each (namely: Cantonese Fried Kuey Teow, Wantan Mee, Nasi Lemak, Hokkien Mee) and two black coffees each for breakfast at 10am.
I just had steamed bread (you know, them thick white bread heavily smothered with butter and kaya which becomes gooey after being steamed on top of boiling water) and a bowl of delishhhh Penang Asam Laksa.
We were supposed to leave at 3pm but them bosses decided that they should spend some time by the beach at Batu Feringhi. We were having coconut water while discussing if we should bring back those cheap prawns sold by the road side when boss 1 said "Wuiiiihh, kalau dapat makan nasik dengan ikan kembung sambal okay jugak." Boss 2 said "Hah? Now? What so good about 'ikan sambal'? Weirdla you."
The coconut drink stall owner told us to visit the shop right after the mosque down the road.
To our surprise, the dishes is still aplenty at 3ish. There's sambal tempoyak, sambal tumis ikan bilis with petai, and yes the ikan kembung sambal tumis was available.
Me and boss 2 had to go to the toilet first. We had to pass its kitchen to get there. To my surprise, there's so many helpers - 10 of them perhaps.
Jovial shouts, colourful cut vegies, mixed aromas of curries and soups... I felt like a tourist.
While waiting for boss 2 to take a leak, I was startled by a voice "Moh le dok sini buaik apa duk tengah panaih tu?" And another voice "Makcik tu ajak duduk tapi baek baek sikit dia dah tua, dia dah tak betui daahh!"

While I took my time to focus my camera at the old makcik, one of the cooks said "Umur dia dah 87 tahun, dia ada 17 orang anak."
..... that statement humbled me as I saw her diligently skinning big baskets of onions.

I said to her, "Fuiiyooo! Powernya makcik!" which rather cracked them all up and she slowly said, "Haah tau pun hangpa!".
"Kami semua ni anak ngan menantu dia laa", said one of the cooks.

- which makes this simple plate of ulam Berimi and sambal tumis tenggiri at a shop that belongs to Makcik Mariam Bee's family tastes so good.
We drove back tight stomached.. and smiling.
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