Cry me a Dam(n) River.
Boss: Can you bring that file to me. *the normal 'ABBA' box file you see most accounts department has.
Me: Okay. *Lifted a half filled file with my left hand.
The rather thin file slipped from my hand and I quickly tried to pick it up again.
Boss: Didn't take your breakfast ka?
*I had to rearrange the papers which came off the rings.
PHAPP! *again.
I went pale straight away. Even an empty file slipped off my left hand. I couldn't lift anything with it! Am I considered handicapped? Forever? Scchhheaattt!!!
It was all my idea, some four years back to go rafting. I heard that Selangor dam(n) was to be built soon. But the swimming lesson is supposed to come first. Oh! It can't be that bad. I have never heard of any accidents due to river rafting.
If I did not go for it, it's going to be a farther journey for just a simple adventure. Thanks to Izwan, we gathered enough friends, all them first timers.
Sungai Selangor's difficulty level is 5. That's the highest you can get in M'sia in its own class. The difficulty is based on what kind of rapids you have to go through along stoney rivers. There are rivers which are not stoney such as Sungai Sigor in Kelantan which is classified by the roughness of its waves.

I didn't know Sungai Selangor in KKB was that challenging. We went through the first few rapids quite well; all thanks to our guides - the 'orang asli'.
The water level was rather low, which made it more difficult as the rafts used on this river are the bigger ones - that can fit 10. The wider it is, the harder it could squeeze through the protruding boulders caused by low water level.
I don't want to tell you what's the most challenging part of rafting here, it will kill the thrill.
We were not fast enough to react to one of its rapids and the instructions given by our guide. Everybody panicked and jumped out of the raft. I was the only one still holding on and saw myself going against a boulder, I stuck out my left hand to save my face from crashing into it. The raft capsized, me, the only non swimmer got trapped underneath. Of course I found my way out.... I think, by just standing up straight.
Least that I knew the swell on my left hand means it's badly fractured. Least that I knew too that it needed two years to recover without seeing the doctor, as in able to lift books normally again. It could go sideways but not up and down, know what I mean?
In case you guys are wondering, I am a right hander.... ok. So I'm not that worried that only my left hand can't move up and down.
To be continued.
After which, Poncho Returns the 'gila kuasa' blogger... arrr arrrrr arrrrhh! had even a more adventurous weekend. His articlesssss will follow suit.
Me: Okay. *Lifted a half filled file with my left hand.
The rather thin file slipped from my hand and I quickly tried to pick it up again.
Boss: Didn't take your breakfast ka?
*I had to rearrange the papers which came off the rings.
PHAPP! *again.
I went pale straight away. Even an empty file slipped off my left hand. I couldn't lift anything with it! Am I considered handicapped? Forever? Scchhheaattt!!!
It was all my idea, some four years back to go rafting. I heard that Selangor dam(n) was to be built soon. But the swimming lesson is supposed to come first. Oh! It can't be that bad. I have never heard of any accidents due to river rafting.
If I did not go for it, it's going to be a farther journey for just a simple adventure. Thanks to Izwan, we gathered enough friends, all them first timers.
Sungai Selangor's difficulty level is 5. That's the highest you can get in M'sia in its own class. The difficulty is based on what kind of rapids you have to go through along stoney rivers. There are rivers which are not stoney such as Sungai Sigor in Kelantan which is classified by the roughness of its waves.

I didn't know Sungai Selangor in KKB was that challenging. We went through the first few rapids quite well; all thanks to our guides - the 'orang asli'.
The water level was rather low, which made it more difficult as the rafts used on this river are the bigger ones - that can fit 10. The wider it is, the harder it could squeeze through the protruding boulders caused by low water level.
I don't want to tell you what's the most challenging part of rafting here, it will kill the thrill.

Least that I knew the swell on my left hand means it's badly fractured. Least that I knew too that it needed two years to recover without seeing the doctor, as in able to lift books normally again. It could go sideways but not up and down, know what I mean?
In case you guys are wondering, I am a right hander.... ok. So I'm not that worried that only my left hand can't move up and down.
To be continued.
After which, Poncho Returns the 'gila kuasa' blogger... arrr arrrrr arrrrhh! had even a more adventurous weekend. His articlesssss will follow suit.
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