Joe-Blogs Dalam Sejarah.
18th October 2003 was when this endearing figure made his homecoming...

Joe-blogs was launched four months prior to his demise (yes he blogged within only a short period of time) that was the good old days. I was just a silent reader and I remember how the names of bloggers in PPS can be remembered easily as there were not many at that time.

Joe-blogs was launched four months prior to his demise (yes he blogged within only a short period of time) that was the good old days. I was just a silent reader and I remember how the names of bloggers in PPS can be remembered easily as there were not many at that time.
To those who remember the 'Supandi Saga' this will surely make you smile again.
[Click here for full view of article in The Edge.] If you remember, Joe had also managed to raise RM5K donation for baby Mariam Mia's abnormal condition (the money however was declined as there wasn't an assured surgical practise to rectify her condition). On the flipside, his contributions to the society is just as fierce and fearless.

Today, a part of his dedication in it has become a great monster. An IT company in Kiara which his team had worked with to collaborate their products is going through its prime time. It has won the MSC-APICTA award this year and will be contested in the Asian level next month. The Performance Management System (PMS) software is at the moment rated the third in the world after the two MNC biggies (SAP and PeopleSoft) in terms of revenue. It is at the same time ranked no. 1 in M'sia.
I decided to give blogging a try again with MI mid last year to keep myself close to his energy and at the same time steal a ride on other great minds. One year ago, I posted one similar article like this for late Joe, least that I knew it resulted in me getting to catch another kind of great blog dramas. There were Fade the Great, then came Fakey, there was Papimami, Ngomongan, Shin Shin etc, mostly people in our common age group -30+. I remember, how quiet my office was but there was a great roaring session in the blogosphere during fasting month last year.
They say, blogging is just a phase. Today, I'm seeing DZ saying goodbye, FG, Fakey, even Roadie ending this. Not many from last year's drama is left. Luckily though, one of my favourite writers (Poncho) still do wanna contribute through MI when he decided to shut his blog down early this year... t'helps me to keep going, over time though he'd surely want to end this.
They say too, people who blog are people who are ultimately 'mencari' (hunts). Yes, I was hunting. My curiosity about what blogging could offer me when it was unconsciously left to me as a will has been answered, it brought many pleasant surprises. There's nothing about blogging that I have regretted eventhough I had experienced some silly feuds.

It doesn't mean I will take the same path as some of them. If it may happen, it's definitely because of a very good thing which I hope is the reason why the rest pulled the plug.
The article above is the last I have to share about Joe, it is rare to have people who are enthusiastic towards making people/society be better and do more than just empty talks.
I will always remember too how he made me realised that I shouldn't be ashamed of being rooted from Kelantan. And that learning about our roots is so important as we get to see and appreciate the way our genes spread out and differentiate from one relative or siblings and another. He was observant enough to notice how busy I was with other people whereas he was very much attached to his circle of relatives. MI allowed me to share the things I began to learn about my roots. That brought a lot of satisfaction for me.
Yes, both his parents are Kelantanese. It was funny listening to him telling the 'Jenab jaley jaley' (Jenab jalan-jalan) joke the first time we met during an exhibition. I can't remember the whole thing tho'. I wonder if Pok Ku may have any idea.
I will always cherish the good old memories of him, be it him as a blogger and as a friend. I have been lead towards good things even after he is gone.

"Gajah mati meninggalkan gading, harimau mati meninggalkan belang, bukan semua manusia mati dapat meninggalkan nama."
Al Fatihah.
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