Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical yang terbilang.

Nenek Kebayan
Baliklah Cu! Baliklah! Usah digonggong titah mendaki. Takut hijau daun kan jadi merah, embun yang basah menjadi api!"
"Go home, my children, before it is too late. Lest green leaves turn red and dewdrops burn you with their fire!"
"Paman Patih, masih tiada petanda dari Melaka?"
"My dear uncle, is there still no word from Melaka?"
"Patik kira tidak akan berapa lama lagi, Gusti Adipati"
"In my estimation, it won't be long now, Your Majesty."
"Ertinya tidak akan berapa lama lagi pedang dan tombak Demak akan melayang jatuh diperaduan sendiri. Apa itu juga termasuk di dalam perkiraanmu, Paman?"
"And it wont be long before the spears of Demak fly into my bed. Is that in your estimation too, Uncle?"
Tiara, boy can you sing! Step aside, Siti Nurhaliza, Erra Fazira and whoever. Who can act live 6 days in a row, do solo singing, act and dance around here? Celine Dion misses out by one, she can't act at the same time during her concert in Las Vegas. You have finally discovered all the talents you have in yourself.
The society's thanks to you, after so much money have been invested in our search to see true local talents. The ones that can create sparks in the brain, sizzles in the blood and reinfuse colour into our blurred vision again. Finally, in our lifetime, this happens. For once, a play by our own intellectual artisans.
Adlin, dalam Akademi Fantasia, aku tergugah dengan kata-kata kesat kau yang lantang.. ehhhmmm tapi memikat tu. Tapi sebalik itu, aku nampak keikhlasan engkau nak mengongsi idea, garang macam Ustad aku yang ajar aku mengaji dulu, tapi romantis kau tu kau tak pandai sorok belakang lantang kau tu.
Itu agaknya yang buat orang macam engkau ni sentiasa dapat perhatian. Otak kau berbahasa masih macam orang dulu, bersopan, berkasar, berkias semua tepat pada tempatnya. Memang betul lah kata Tiara, kau ni bakal ambik-alih tempat Allahyarham P. Ramlee. Aku setuju benar. Dulu engkau kutuk tak bagi 'can' punya kat AF punya finalist, "Selendang tu... dengan rambut kau... buat kau menari macam pondan!"
Patutla kau berani kutuk macam tu. Bila aku tengok kau menari malam PGLM, aku rasa macam nak lari naik pentas join engkau sekali. Seksi maut Mahmud Melaka! Aku bangga sangat-sangat dengan engkau, pertama sekali atas bakat engkau menulis skrip lakonan dan lagu PGLM ni.
AC Mizal, dari lagu Fiona, siapa sangka kau se gah ini? Macamana engkau jalan dengan kaki dengan tangan kau spastic macam tu dalam teater tu? Consistent gila pulak tu.
Kau layan tak sudah-sudah orang-orang yang duduk puji engkau luar stage, kesian aku tengok engkau senyum berjam-jam. Aku memang nak peluk engkau masa kita ambik gambar semalam, tapi nanti 'Patih' jeles.
Syukurlah hidup baru kau sekarang dilimpahi rezeki. Aku dah tak sabar nak tengok wayang yang engkau sendiri direct.
Stephen-Rahman Hughes, you look pudgy in your hulubalang outfit, but.... nice when we get closer. The outfit must be really thick and tight which may have stiffened your movement, you did not look crazily in love enough. I heard that it was your idea where the part Mahmud Melaka danced and sang to Jazz instead of redundant silat scenes.
How the hell did you memorise a language foreign to you for dialogue and songs at the same time? Can you memorise all the words in the Chinese dictionary too?
But yeah, what a pair of lungs! Unfortunately our kind of audience do not know how to return the energy back to you during one of your long melodic ends. I guess Tiara may have a strategic plan for asking you to be a part of this play, perhaps there's an English version in the near future.
However, I think, without the Bahasa Indonesia lama, this play may not provide the same impact. The exoticness of the play lies within the melodic intonation of the Bahasa (Indon/Melayu Dalam) script.
Raja Malek and team, gorgeous, dramatic, breathtaking stage and everything in it! In my opinion, Riverdance, Stomp not even Cats come close to this!
Roslan Aziz. Smart!I know you how you think. You purposely arranged the notes so that they can sing tirelessly throughout the days, and able pace the lyrics to sing more audibly-the biggest challenge for a play towards multiraces. And with Adlin purposely watered down the Bahasa to sound more current and understandable, it's clever. The new age society longs for fast paced movie and because they do not understand Bahasa lama they way they do for also the slow English Literature, they failed to appreciate the movie version. Your rendition style has definitely worked. Biarlah orang kutuk apa pun, yang penting, delivery!
I knew I wouldn't regret spending on 6 tickets for this for people whom I knew will appreciate it. This has definitely been a great redemption for Enfiniti Productions.
I hope the stage props will be preserved for moving exhibitions about this play or else, placed strategically in our sad looking museum if they will no longer be reused.
"A sacrifice made in the name of love is indeed beauteous, and a sacrifice for the sake of the people admirable." Excerpt-PGLM
Maafkan saya atas apa-apa kata-kata yang melukakan.
Tahniah sekali lagi buat kamu, keluarga PGLM!
Previous entry on similar subject: Tiara that Fits for the Puteri
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