Erti Banyak Buah Pengorbanan.

4 year old blonde's cool and calm climb up intermediate wall at C5 rock climbing gym. She climbed with the help of an auto belayer.
This has nothing to do with my subject title though.

30 year old brunette's (cewah!) hands suffered rope burn on the same day in pursuit of saving my climbing partner daripada patah pinggang due to free fall. It hurt the first snap that I almost let go off the rope, I was numbed by my own shouts. Got the method of holding the rope down wrongly, and it doesn't help when I belayed someone 20kgs heavier. It was cared so well that I didn't need to struggle too much on my flight back to KB and now it's healing quite neatly.

"Inilah korban satu bahagian sunat Aidil Adha kerana Allah Taala".
I am taken by Pak Lah's (not the DPM) enthusiast at slaughtering the cows, he went from one group of people to another to coach us what to do, what to expect and what to utter with a smile on his face all the time.

I could only watch Che Su and Pak Su dividing the meat into 20 parts coz my hands are wounded. And then get driven to all the recipients' destinations by them.
Dear God, What do I do without You? I am thankful even for just being allowed to exist in this beautiful world of Yours.
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