Moody bout Foodie.
Even if you have the luxury of a maid who cooks for you at home, we still can't run away from having to eat restaurant food for lunch. Five days in a week-we have to think of where to go and what to eat. The first two weeks of the month, lunch is fun coz we're in money to go for a few small adventures, trying new places which are far far away (Bapak punya company ke?).
Now, after so many years of working, my colleagues and I do get to the point of arguing on who should decide where and what to eat and who'd be the company taxi. Thankfully, we have one fella who just loves to drive, if he's not available for lunch, we'll usually resort to just eating boring food downstairs of our office building (this place is like a cowboy street). But over time, things has gotten worse for me, I'll get on a boycott spree due to one of these reasons:
1. All the three restaurants downstairs just couldn't bother to change their daily choices.
2. It's enough we have to eat with the same people for breakfast, so as lunch. Everyone who patronises the restaurant downstairs are also the saaaame people who for some reason seem to be wearing the same thing everyday, maybe because they're all men?!?!?!.
3. The places that supposedly serve fair quality food serve them thoughtlessly.
There are still places where you go and all ready to gorge a delicious bowl of curry noddle in a big bowl but suddenly, the food court provides the short thin sushimatchsticks chopsticks for you to lift the heavy food up your face!!!
Take KFC for example, yes it is just fast food. When you have been to KFC for years you will notice that first they take the melamine plate away and substitute it with paper plates. A family meal place felt like bachelors' picnic. Stainless steel fork and spoon to plastic ones instead. That's sends me feeling like a second class citizen straight away. So of course we have to resort to eating dem chickens with the hands and later wash them off with soap that has been 10 times diluted in water.
I am happy to know that the cendol man infront of TTDI KFC however, care about customer satisfaction. He provides the big fat straw for take away customers, it (the straw) comes in yummy pink and purple colour.
And so as the 'Jenny Hong Tau Foo Far' (bean curd) selling from the mini vans, they provide the similar kind of straw for those who order 'Soya Cincau' drink.
Now, after so many years of working, my colleagues and I do get to the point of arguing on who should decide where and what to eat and who'd be the company taxi. Thankfully, we have one fella who just loves to drive, if he's not available for lunch, we'll usually resort to just eating boring food downstairs of our office building (this place is like a cowboy street). But over time, things has gotten worse for me, I'll get on a boycott spree due to one of these reasons:
1. All the three restaurants downstairs just couldn't bother to change their daily choices.
2. It's enough we have to eat with the same people for breakfast, so as lunch. Everyone who patronises the restaurant downstairs are also the saaaame people who for some reason seem to be wearing the same thing everyday, maybe because they're all men?!?!?!.
3. The places that supposedly serve fair quality food serve them thoughtlessly.
There are still places where you go and all ready to gorge a delicious bowl of curry noddle in a big bowl but suddenly, the food court provides the short thin sushi

I am happy to know that the cendol man infront of TTDI KFC however, care about customer satisfaction. He provides the big fat straw for take away customers, it (the straw) comes in yummy pink and purple colour.
And so as the 'Jenny Hong Tau Foo Far' (bean curd) selling from the mini vans, they provide the similar kind of straw for those who order 'Soya Cincau' drink.
How's that for low capital food sellers? It doesn't take much, yet they make us feel as if we're Starbuck's customer!
Yet, A&W provides chilled mugs to serve their root beer only at selected outlets, the rest, in paper cups. Let us Halal people enjoy this beer in chilled mugs too!
Yet, A&W provides chilled mugs to serve their root beer only at selected outlets, the rest, in paper cups. Let us Halal people enjoy this beer in chilled mugs too!
There was once at a Malay wedding held at the bride's home. The temperature was 37 degrees, we quickly took a bowl of ABC, newly shaven mound of ice. We were looking for the spoon high and low and finally found it... completely sunk in the ice coz it's the typical small little ones, a scoop as good as a teaspoon's. Not the way to enjoy ABC in any whether at all.
I hope hating to have lunch will help me lose weight. Well, but then..... this makes me end up having double serving for dinner.

Canadians make good pizzas
The end of my hatred for pizzas people! Apart from having Shakey's, Pizza Hut and Domino's here which I haaate so much, we have a new addition; Canadian's Pizza. Luvvllyyy succulent tomatoes, chicken, pineapple everything on a thin bite till finish crust! I'm not surprised they dare to start out here although we're already swarmed with enough brands. Try it, even the website is screaming at you to make your first order.
Thanks Berukboy for the headsup.
The love of serving food is all about the love of seeing people feeling satisfied with their meal.
TTDI Activist.
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