Luke! Darth Fade0 and Princess Leia.
The untold story from my perspective.
On the IM:
Zain: Oi, wanna meet up?
Me: For what?
Zain: Jumpa Fade.
Me: Oh he reached here already? Dowan!
Zain: Jom laaaa.
Me: When?
Zain: Now, lunch.
Me: Are you that free? Where?
Zain: One U.
Me: Why so far?
Zain: I need to get sum birthday presents la... oi, you better come.
Me: I'll be late.
At One U.
SMS from Zain: Starbucks.
Me: *breathe in, breathe out. What the hell, I need to have lunch. What kinda lunch do I get at Starbucks? And yet I have to spend RM11 on a cuppa tall caramel frapuccino. Hmmm... on second thoughts, best jugak. Oklah!
I found myself checking my clothes out all of a sudden.
In my heart: What if this guy starts examining me the way he examines all those Kiwi chickas. Eerrkkhhhh..looked down, obiviously no cleavage! Right on!
Walked towards Zain and Fade. I was examining Fade from afar already. In my head, he's a big sized, beer bellied, jolly happy bespactacledinsane geek guy.
It seemed like Zain fits the bill more (just kidding Zain!)...only because he's much taller than the guy seated infront of him.
I'm disappointed with my mind picture. Completely all wrong. A wide smile greeted me and he went "Haaaahaaahaaaaah!" just like the way Alf the alien laughs, with half the fur but instead, with Ali G's persona!
Me: Helllooo!
Fade: Have we met?
Me: Don't think so.
Fade: What a shame...
Me: *Tried to keep a straight face.
Aren't we having lunch?
Fade: Aaaaaaaah, I am just gonna have dessert. Haaahaahaaah!
In my heart: Sheaaattt, what happened to my un TKO'd flirting skills?! Come on, counter, counter!
Me at last, giggling already laaaaah. *Half defense down. Why should anyone take this harmless soul from downer under seriously?
We went on about work, life in general, I let Zain catch up with his good ole' friend on things. I continued to examine unintentionally; Fade is just like what he writes, everything is laced with his completely unabsurd, subtle sexual tease which obviously just meant to entertain, even towards himself. They are not to make you feel ashamed, but rather, just warms you up.
He intertwined his conversation with Zain by politely including me in here and there.
"So do you like what you see? Haaahaahaaaaaah"
Me: Yeah! Pleasant.(shheeaattt, I meant, I liked WHO I saw, as I/we all, have picked on his brains all this while).
Fade: So am I what you think I look like?
Me: *explained what I thought he might look like.
Me: Me?
Fade: Emmm..... I thought you might look like one of those KPP girls. Haaahaahaa!
Me: *tried to remember if he mentioned KPP girls in his entries. None.
And finally the conversation was among all of us, of course, he had to mention the infamous 4U2C and also covered the issues on ringgit peg and what it might do to our oil and gas trade, the TV programme for RTM which he did once (can you believe it? Fade? RTM?). I don't know if I'm overrating him. But he's obviously an instinctive genius who's aware of his surroundings, like the music that's playing, the gestures of people around him, other things are obviously playing in his mind while he's with us and yet the words that he uttered are filled with things to make us crack up with laughter. I tell you, even if he's not joking, he is already naturally funny, Poncho and Fakey already mentioned that!
Only this time, I was not disappointed that I found myself lost for words to go against his wits, I reckon I was being polite, instinctively too (heheh).
This is Part Two, Part One is here, Part Two is here. Wait up for Part Three.
On the IM:
Zain: Oi, wanna meet up?
Me: For what?
Zain: Jumpa Fade.
Me: Oh he reached here already? Dowan!
Zain: Jom laaaa.
Me: When?
Zain: Now, lunch.
Me: Are you that free? Where?
Zain: One U.
Me: Why so far?
Zain: I need to get sum birthday presents la... oi, you better come.
Me: I'll be late.
At One U.
SMS from Zain: Starbucks.
Me: *breathe in, breathe out. What the hell, I need to have lunch. What kinda lunch do I get at Starbucks? And yet I have to spend RM11 on a cuppa tall caramel frapuccino. Hmmm... on second thoughts, best jugak. Oklah!
I found myself checking my clothes out all of a sudden.
In my heart: What if this guy starts examining me the way he examines all those Kiwi chickas. Eerrkkhhhh..looked down, obiviously no cleavage! Right on!
Walked towards Zain and Fade. I was examining Fade from afar already. In my head, he's a big sized, beer bellied, jolly happy bespactacled
It seemed like Zain fits the bill more (just kidding Zain!)...only because he's much taller than the guy seated infront of him.

Me: Helllooo!
Fade: Have we met?
Me: Don't think so.
Fade: What a shame...
Me: *Tried to keep a straight face.
Aren't we having lunch?
Fade: Aaaaaaaah, I am just gonna have dessert. Haaahaahaaah!
In my heart: Sheaaattt, what happened to my un TKO'd flirting skills?! Come on, counter, counter!
Me at last, giggling already laaaaah. *Half defense down. Why should anyone take this harmless soul from downer under seriously?
We went on about work, life in general, I let Zain catch up with his good ole' friend on things. I continued to examine unintentionally; Fade is just like what he writes, everything is laced with his completely unabsurd, subtle sexual tease which obviously just meant to entertain, even towards himself. They are not to make you feel ashamed, but rather, just warms you up.
He intertwined his conversation with Zain by politely including me in here and there.
"So do you like what you see? Haaahaahaaaaaah"
Me: Yeah! Pleasant.(shheeaattt, I meant, I liked WHO I saw, as I/we all, have picked on his brains all this while).
Fade: So am I what you think I look like?
Me: *explained what I thought he might look like.
Me: Me?
Fade: Emmm..... I thought you might look like one of those KPP girls. Haaahaahaa!
Me: *tried to remember if he mentioned KPP girls in his entries. None.
And finally the conversation was among all of us, of course, he had to mention the infamous 4U2C and also covered the issues on ringgit peg and what it might do to our oil and gas trade, the TV programme for RTM which he did once (can you believe it? Fade? RTM?). I don't know if I'm overrating him. But he's obviously an instinctive genius who's aware of his surroundings, like the music that's playing, the gestures of people around him, other things are obviously playing in his mind while he's with us and yet the words that he uttered are filled with things to make us crack up with laughter. I tell you, even if he's not joking, he is already naturally funny, Poncho and Fakey already mentioned that!
Only this time, I was not disappointed that I found myself lost for words to go against his wits, I reckon I was being polite, instinctively too (heheh).
This is Part Two, Part One is here, Part Two is here. Wait up for Part Three.
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