Saturday, August 05, 2006

Ikhlas Seni Kian Pupus.

"You punya cartoon tu membina akal, you tau tak? And sekarang ni tak jumpa lagi pengganti -- second liner.... pfftttt!!"

"Iye ke? I just want to draw."

That's Ujang for you. Till today dia tak kaya-kaya.

"I won't charge designing fee. You just tell me your budget, I will work around it. If I can't use French Silk, I will use Japanese Silk but you will get the same effect, don't worry. Let me show you the difference, I don't cheat my customers."

"What else do you want? I can give you many phone numbers, why don't I call one now for you -- you nak yang contemporary punya ke yang macam mana?"

That's Calvin Thoo for you. Till today you don't see him driving flashy cars, being sticky with appointments. He doesn't even start conversations with customers by asking, "So you kerja kat mana?" in order to know if he could slaughter your neck. In fact he would sit down for hours for a chat exchanging more views and learning your personality and if you are lucky, you will even get to hear the underskirts of our local celebs.

Kalau pergi dekat designer yang lagi satu kat Putrajaya tu, he will ask, "You anak Tan Sri mana? Kita banyak dateline." Kalau pergi yang dekat Cheras tu, "You pilih kain yang kita ada ni la." And they showed me some cheapo looking fabrics in gordy colours only immitation Mak Datin in blonde would wear and then have the cheek to charge me a bomb.

"Okay boleh, ini semua portfolio gambar-gambar kita. You boleh masuk kita punya studio baru, White Room kat dalam tu. Jom! I will take your picture for free, you tengok effect dia macamana. Tempat ni in Malaysia tak da lagi tau. Now you dah jadi kita punya customer, you boleh datang bila-bila aje, kita akan snap your photos for free dalam studio ni."

That's Adi Nang and Saiful Nang for you. They are super busy and already earning in Pound Sterling yet they reply your email and answer the phone with so much courtesy. They conduct many free photography courses for the youth and have so much fun.

Isn't it nice too to be able to meet businessmen who makes money from you but at the same time become good friends?

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