The Theory of Exponential Numbers
Sometimes kan.. we hear people resigning from their high paying jobs because they want to fulfil their dreams. I remember someone who bought a landcruiser, left everything and drove around Asia for two years. I think Chef Wan can make a good example. He obtained his Degree in Accountancy for his parents although his real dream is to be a cook. And he pursued it! The combination of Accounting knowledge and cooking made him a fantastic F&B man, clever at maintaining the right and fresh food stocks, make the best of what's available and made sure it suits the taste of targetted market. And do you notice the luck rate? They always make it!
Tis relates to the discussion on the challenges people might face when they're trying to fulfil their PFE (Purpose for Existing).
"...suppose you're letting people know about something you're trying to do that will help fulfil your PFE. If you talk to ten people, and they each talk to ten and it keeps going, before long you have a whole bunch of people who potentially will help you", says Casey.
"But why would they be willing to help me? I mean, I don't know anyone who passes along chain letters. What would motivate people to talk with others about what I'm trying to do?" John wondered.
"John," she said, "Those people you thought of when we started this conversation, the ones who are working to fulfill their PFEs, how does it feel when you interact with them?"
"It feels great. You can't help but get caught up in their passion and enthusiasm for what they are doing. You just feel like you want to help them."
...... they seem so... on the right path.
Excerpt from Why Are You Here Cafe.
Point44, how is it that you managed to put a sizeable portfolio in the internet, featured in the press in a span of 1/2 a year when you were even blogging blind?
Life is definitely different right? And you strive to improve in this area. Kitaorang pun nak start kecil-kecilan jugak. Check this out. But we surely won't do it to make money, there's something else we want to venture into and hope one day soon it will materialise.
Tis relates to the discussion on the challenges people might face when they're trying to fulfil their PFE (Purpose for Existing).
"...suppose you're letting people know about something you're trying to do that will help fulfil your PFE. If you talk to ten people, and they each talk to ten and it keeps going, before long you have a whole bunch of people who potentially will help you", says Casey.
"But why would they be willing to help me? I mean, I don't know anyone who passes along chain letters. What would motivate people to talk with others about what I'm trying to do?" John wondered.
"John," she said, "Those people you thought of when we started this conversation, the ones who are working to fulfill their PFEs, how does it feel when you interact with them?"
"It feels great. You can't help but get caught up in their passion and enthusiasm for what they are doing. You just feel like you want to help them."
...... they seem so... on the right path.
Excerpt from Why Are You Here Cafe.
Point44, how is it that you managed to put a sizeable portfolio in the internet, featured in the press in a span of 1/2 a year when you were even blogging blind?
Life is definitely different right? And you strive to improve in this area. Kitaorang pun nak start kecil-kecilan jugak. Check this out. But we surely won't do it to make money, there's something else we want to venture into and hope one day soon it will materialise.
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