Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Beautiful Indonesian words.

It was such an agony trying to express myself to the maid even in my own mother tongue, Bahasa Malaysia. I kept stammering. She desperately wanted to justify herself and all I wanted to do was to put things in perspective for her so she'd know everyone's frustrated only because they want to provide the best for each other.

Among the things she mentioned:"Saya sudah tahu menyelami jiwanya, maka saya tahu apa yang dimaksudkan"
Meaning "I knew how to embrace her feelings, therefore I know (from her gestures) what she meant."

"Perkara-perkara begitu jangan dicandakan. Saya hanya mahu melakukan kerja yang terbaik." Canda means 'make fun'.

"Keras kerana membina bukan untuk menindas." Meaning, being tough yet constructive, not to put anyone down.

Try saying those sentences in Bahasa Malaysia! I saw the phrase 'rinai tawamu' in a lyric which means 'the querk of your smile'. What's that in B. Malaysia?

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